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# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in D:\Android\sdk/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the proguardFiles
# directive in build.gradle.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
public *;
-optimizationpasses 5
#优化 不优化输入的类文件
# 混淆时所采用的算法
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*
-keepattributes *Annotation*
# 保持哪些类不被混淆
-keep public class * extends android.app.Fragment
-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
-keep public class * extends android.app.Application
-keep public class * extends android.app.Service
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends android.app.backup.BackupAgentHelper
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keep public class com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService
-keep public class * extends android.support.v4.app.Fragment
##记录生成的日志数据,gradle build时在本项目根目录输出##
#apk 包内所有 class 的内部结构
-dump proguard/class_files.txt
-printseeds proguard/seeds.txt
#列出从 apk 中删除的代码
-printusage proguard/unused.txt
-printmapping proguard/mapping.txt
########记录生成的日志数据gradle build时 在本项目根目录输出-end######
-dontwarn android.support.**
-keep class com.google.** { *; }
-keep class android.support.v4.**
-dontwarn android.support.v4.**
-keep class android.support.v7.**
-dontwarn android.support.v7.**
#保持 native 方法不被混淆
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
native <methods>;
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
-keepclassmembers class * extends android.app.Activity {
public void *(android.view.View);
-keep public class * extends android.view.View {
public <init>(android.content.Context);
public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
public void set*(...);
#保持 Parcelable 不被混淆
-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;
#保持 Serializable 不被混淆
-keepnames class * implements java.io.Serializable
#保持 Serializable 不被混淆并且enum 类也不被混淆
-keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {
static final long serialVersionUID;
private static final java.io.ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields;
!static !transient <fields>;
!private <fields>;
!private <methods>;
private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream);
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream);
java.lang.Object writeReplace();
java.lang.Object readResolve();
#保持枚举 enum 类不被混淆
-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
-keepclassmembers class * {
public void *ButtonClicked(android.view.View);
-keepclassmembers class **.R$* {
public static <fields>;
#避免混淆泛型 如果混淆报错建议关掉
#-keepattributes Signature
#-assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log {
# public static *** v(...);
# public static *** i(...);
# public static *** d(...);
# public static *** w(...);
# public static *** e(...);
######################## 以上通用 ##################################
####################### 常用第三方模块的混淆选项 ###################################
-keepattributes Signature
# Gson specific classes
-keep class sun.misc.Unsafe { *; }
# Application classes that will be serialized/deserialized over Gson
-keep class com.google.gson.** { *; }
-keep class com.google.gson.stream.** { *; }
-keep class com.google.**{*;}
-keep class butterknife.** { *; }
-dontwarn butterknife.internal.**
-keep class **$$ViewBinder { *; }
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
@butterknife.* <fields>;
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
@butterknife.* <methods>;
# 如果使用了Gson之类的工具要使被它解析的JavaBean类即实体类不被混淆。
-keep class com.novelbook.android.bean.** { *; }
-keep class com.novelbook.android.db.** { *; }
#如果在当前的application module或者依赖的library module中使用了第三方的库并不需要显式添加规则
#-libraryjars xxx
#以libaray的形式引用了开源项目,如果不想混淆 keep 掉在引入的module的build.gradle中设置minifyEnabled=false
# banner
-keep class com.youth.banner** { *; }
-keep interface com.youth.banner.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.youth.banner.**
-keep class org.litepal.** { *; }
-keep class * extends org.litepal.crud.DataSupport { *; }
-keep class com.astuetz.** { *; }
-keep class com.umeng.** {*;}
-keepclassmembers class * {
public <init> (org.json.JSONObject);
-dontwarn okio.**
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
-keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-dontwarn com.squareup.okhttp3.**
-keep class com.squareup.okhttp3.** { *;}
-dontwarn okhttp3.logging.**
-keep class okhttp3.internal.**{*;}
-keep class com.novelbook.android.netapi.**{*;}
# Retrofit
-dontwarn retrofit2.**
-keep class retrofit2.** { *; }
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
@retrofit2.http.* <methods>;
# RxJava RxAndroid
-dontwarn sun.misc.**
-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.*ArrayQueue*Field* {
long producerIndex;
long consumerIndex;
-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.BaseLinkedQueueProducerNodeRef {
rx.internal.util.atomic.LinkedQueueNode producerNode;
-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.BaseLinkedQueueConsumerNodeRef {
rx.internal.util.atomic.LinkedQueueNode consumerNode;
-keep public class * implements com.bumptech.glide.module.GlideModule
-keep public enum com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ImageHeaderParser$** {
**[] $VALUES;
public *;
# 对于带有回调函数的onXXEvent、**On*Listener的不能被混淆
-keepclassmembers class * {
void *(**On*Event);
void *(**On*Listener);